Cultivating Change

An innovative project is helping to transform villages around the Gunung Leuser National Park by promoting sustainable agricultural practices to protect the area's fragile biodiversity while simultaneously supporting the local economy.


The Community Education and Conservation Program (CECP), a collaborative effort between the Orang Utan Republik Foundation (OURF) and the Sumatra Hijau Lestari Foundation (YSHL), and supported by Forests for People, is transforming lives around Gunung Leuser National Park (GLNP). By promoting sustainable agricultural practices and renewable energy use, CECP addresses climate change and wildlife conflicts, ensuring the preservation of GLNP’s ecosystem.

Sustainable Agriculture

CECP aims to introduce environmentally friendly agricultural methods to local farmers by rehabilitating farming land and promoting eco-friendly enterprises. The program targets three villages—Lau Damak, Batu Jongjong, and Ujung Bandar—where agriculture and livestock are primary livelihoods. These communities face challenges like soil degradation from chemical fertilisers, limited land, and wildlife conflicts.

Organic Farming Benefits

Educating farmers on organic fertilisers over chemical alternatives is a key initiative. While chemical fertilisers are popular for quick results, they lead to soil degradation and high costs. Organic farming improves soil health and reduces environmental impact. Demonstration plots (dem-plots) allow farmers to see the benefits firsthand. For instance, a semi-organic dem-plot in Ujung Bandar recently generated significant income from harvesting various crops, bringing in a gross side income of IDR 11.550.990 (USD $1072/AUD $712) for the community.


 Hands-On Training

On 15 June 2024 a training session in Ujung Bandar Village educated 20 farmers on natural farming techniques using Local Microorganisms (MOL) made from local materials. MOL enhances compost and soil quality, providing an organic alternative to chemical fertilisers. Experiments showed that both organic and chemical fertilisers effectively manage plants, although organic fertilisers require specific treatments.

Overcoming Challenges

Farmers face obstacles such as inconsistent fertiliser availability, time constraints, distance to fertiliser shelters, and the convenience of chemical fertilisers. CECP addresses these by offering individualised support, education, and resources. The program aims to make organic farming viable by providing fertilising containers, training, and accessible materials.

Looking Ahead

CECP is about more than improving agricultural productivity; it fosters a harmonious relationship between people and nature. Empowering communities with sustainable practices helps protect GLNP’s biodiversity and mitigates climate change. Through OURF and YSHL's efforts, CECP paves the way for a sustainable future, where local farmers thrive while preserving the natural beauty of Gunung Leuser National Park and its surroundings. 

Your support is crucial in making this vision a reality, cultivating a greener, more sustainable world for future generations.

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